Grumbling Cats

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Knot Good

Being long-haired has its disadvantages. My tongue is pretty adept at dealing with most issues but some problems are harder to lick. Pha grooms me quite regularly but I am blaming him for the recent troubles. A couple of stubborn tangles are not going away Respecting my delicate skin, pha switched the fine, metal brush with a rubber comb a little while back. Perhaps my fur is missing the brush. I won't be grumbling much had pha stuck with just using the rubber comb. Whenever I am on him, he tries to pass his fingers through the matted area. The silly human has received numerous bites and swats for his insolence but hasn't learned yet. Now I have a decision to make, forget the clump or ignore the klutz.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Meatball Surgery(sorry)

Nathan is mimicking some of my actions these days. He has tried sharing the quilt with pha and resting on the belly of the silly human. Before we cats settle down, we like to soften with our paws the space underneath, be it artificial or human furniture. Some humans just grimace and keep still when this happens, others just yelp and shoo us away. Pha likes us on him. I have gotten to know good seating places on him like the navel, the lower ribcage and the general thigh area. Nathan is new at this. I have seen him trying to neuter the poor human without even realizing it. Pha would attempt to divert bro to proper areas better suited for softening. If you didn't know, paws have claws which aren't very dull. Nathan doesn't like these redirections and usually just storms off. Pha is left sheepish but no doubt relieved to have kept his gender. I just have fun watching all this.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Couch Wars

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...nah, too geeky. I suppose I should just start. Florence has began to linger more and more downstairs and it is beginning to bug me. Pha has this old la-z-boy in the room and its my prime resting spot. There is a gap between the footrest and the couch which provides great tactical advantages. It affords me clever positioning for hit-and-run and counter-strikes. Most importantly it is my favourite pouncing area for after-litter ambush. Whoa, hyphen overload. Anyways, sis is using the space. I doubt if she recognizes all the strategic assets. She just wants to mimic the human lug. I must protect my turf. I have tried some retaliatory moves like becoming a sleeping pill on pha's belly a la sis. Thing is I myself get drowsy and go to the la-z-boy. The cycle starts again. What's a cat to do? Meow?

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Tag Teamed

Sometimes the two primary humans would sit on the sectional sofa together. I love to position myself between the two. On such occasions I am a proud cat. My humans, left and right, petting, caressing, scratching and massaging me. Beat that, Nathan. I wish they'd stay longer. Don't get confused, pha. I just like the company. Good times.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Silly Human Down

For a few days now pha has been mostly down. None of my efforts to cajole him out of the bed have worked. I have tried everything from polite meows to sharp yells. He stares blankly at me and sort of purrs. It threw me off at first. Was he in a laziness contest with sis? She is the undisputed champion. He has been regularly making weird nasal sounds too. I wonder if he's seeing some rival human. If that is the case though, he needn't bother. His stench alone is enough of a deterrent. A sick pha is even less fun than a healthy pha, which is almost impossible. I am losing patience. Enough down time, human. Move! Appreciate the marvel that is me.