Grumbling Cats

Friday, November 02, 2007

O Human, Where Wert Thou?

Florence has lost her edge. Cats take pride in their curiosity and vigilance. Some recent events provided us with a chance to investigate and I was the only feline at the scene. For couple of days pha would don rarely used gear and leave the house before dawn. He would return at or after dusk smelling like dirt, sweat and strange places. He got the requisite scolding for leaving us, the precious creatures, unattended. The silly human seemed sheepish and, oddly enough, grateful at my inquiries. Ever since then, I have been getting thorough combings and loads of crunchy treats at demand. It goes without saying that I deserve a lot more. I just think that had sis joined me confronting pha, she would also have benefited. Humans are so easy to manipulate. Utter a small purr or give them little company and they start cooing and strutting like idiots. I suppose Florence chose rest over amusement.


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