Cats for dummies
Felines are nocturnal. Our naps and rests may be intermittent during the day but it, nonetheless, is bed time. For the past few days, pha has been coming upstairs during the night and is pretty confused by our greetings. The silly human thinks that any time we go near him, we need something. Sis and I are pleasant and cordial creatures who welcome night-company. An initial rub through the legs on our part, a cursory touch of whiskers on his, and introductions are complete. Curled on the chair, sprawled at the door, we are quite content with politely watching pha move about. There is no need for aggressive scratching of heads(ours) or bewildered querying(him). Pha is baffled by our exemplary behaviour. Hopefully, this post will help. It still doesn't mean that I like him