Grumbling Cats

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Nightmare Unleashed [jan 05, 2005]

Yesterday the monster returned. Its horrible shrieks and quaking movements had me scared to death. For some reason pha decided to wield the beast all over his room. The worst part of the entire scenario was that he was being thorough. He is never thorough! I have a sneaking suspicion that he isn't done meddling around just yet. After the horrid vacuum cleaner, the furniture is sure to be moved. I normally don't mind that as it gives me new territory to explore but I worry about sis. She stayed undercover hours after the ordeal was over. She has done some small scouting expeditions into the revamped area but is still quite scared. I can't decide whether to attack the furniture upstairs or give pha and other humans a piece of my mind. I guess I'll do both.


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